Prayer against enemies in the bible
Prayer against enemies in the bible

prayer against enemies in the bible

Father, Affliction will never rise a second time in my life, in the name of Jesus.Father, cut off and make an utter end to every affliction of the enemies against my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name.Father, every evil counselor of the enemy, giving evil counsel against my life and upliftment is destroyed now, in Jesus’ name.

prayer against enemies in the bible

Father, arise and shine in my life and consume every darkness of the enemies in my path to glory, in Jesus’ mighty name.Father, I command the eyes of every familiar spirit monitoring my destiny to be blinded, in Jesus’ name.Father, every evil shrine of the enemy working against my life and progress is consumed by fire, in Jesus’ name.Father, I decree that every coven of witches where my name has been taken to shall be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.Father, trouble all those who are troubling my life and destiny and recompense tribulations upon them, in the mighty name of Jesus.Father, let your divine judgment visit every god of the land(enemies) fighting against my glory in life, in the name of Jesus.Father, let the enemies of my life and destiny who seek after my life be destroyed for my sake, in Jesus’ name.Father, I release the fire of the holy ghost to consume and destroy every activities of the enemies in my life, business, family, desitiny and spiritual makeup in the name of Jesus.Father, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, I silence every tongue of the enemy speaking negativity over my life, in Jesus’ name.Father, every battle the enemy is waging against my purpose in life and its fulfillment, I decree that they have lost because the battle is Yours, in Jesus name.Father Lord, You’re the God of Peace, I pray that this hour you will crush the enemy under my feet shortly in Jesus Name.Father Lord, by your great strength at work in me for battle, I subdue under me the enemy who rises up against me in battle and takes my victory, in Jesus name.Lord Jesus, Let the Holy Spirit hold my Glory up in the High so that it doesn’t shred away in Jesus’ Name, Amen.Every plan of the enemy that’s been planned or that has been carried out already to sow tares in my life when everyone is asleep (Matthew 13: 25), by the power in the name of Jesus, I come against such plans in the Name of Jesus.Every activities of the enemenies of devil to Kill, Steal and to destroy (John 10: 10) I come against it in the name of Jesus.Father, by your power, I decree that every power of the enemy that rises against my family and destiny is pushed back and trampled down, in Jesus’ name.Father, I put to flight every adversary that is hell-bent on causing my doom in Jesus’ name.Father, in the name of Jesus, I destroy every work of the enemy against my life and destiny in Jesus’ Name.Warfare prayer against the enemies of my soul. Warfare battles have to do with fervent prayers and fasting and below is an outlined prayer point to help the believer engage in prayers and hand the battle over to God. So when they come to attack, they see the Most High God and flee. We are also told that they shall come in one direction and scatter in seven directions, this means that we are too hot to handle for the devil and his agents because we are hidden with Christ in God. The battle is our God’s battle and therefore victory is assured.

prayer against enemies in the bible

It means the warfare battle with the enemies of our soul is between them and God. He also said anyone that gathers against thee shall fall for thy sake. The Bible says God will cause the enemies that rise up against us to be smitten before our eyes. God has already given us all we need to overcome the devil in warfare and obtain eternal victory over the devil. We as believers must engage the devil in warfare if we want to enjoy the blessings of God upon our lives on this earth. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil, and nothing gets destroyed without an appreciable show of force. Jesus knows this and that is why He told us in John 16:33, that we should take heart because he has overcome the world. This is absolutely wrong, the devil is a stubborn enemy and without warfare prayer, we may not overcome him. Some Christians believe we should not be praying warfare prayers. Warfare prayers are very needful and helpful to every Christian.

Prayer against enemies in the bible